Dental issues are foundational causes of many systemic health challenges.
The teeth are located on various meridians, and these relationships influence the health of other organs located on those same meridians.
“Thank you for recently diagnosing my primary stress source as being dental in origin and pinpointing the exact location of it.
Your diagnosis, you will be pleased to know, was accurate as verified by my [Biological] dentist, Dr. David Doi.
Also, the remedy that you specifically recommended proved most effective in counteracting the problem.
What I refer to as your “wave of the future” diagnostic methods are both accurate and precise.
They have, over the years, for both me and Josephine, been “on the mark” numerous times to help in our quest to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health.
We are thankful and appreciative.”
- Phil and Josephine in Hawaii
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[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.