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Case Study 1:

Preventing Blindness

John is a well-known radio personality and film producer with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the nutritional field. To his frustration, and despite a healthy diet and nutritional supplementation, he had progressed from the typical dry macular degeneration with small hard shiny deposits in the retina, and a loss of nearly 2 lines of visual acuity (20/30+) over several years, to the more serious wet macular degeneration with scarring, retinal bleeding and inflammation surrounding degenerating retinal drusen in the left eye at the age of 65. Wet macular degeneration often affects one eye first and the other within several years. Visual acuity in the left eye had progressively dropped from 20/30+ at the beginning of 1997 to 20/80, a disturbing 50% loss of vision, in a period of just 6 months. Very concerned about the rapid deterioration in John’s vision, Harvard trained retinal specialist, Dr. Bruce Ballon immediately set up an emergency appointment for John to fly to Honolulu for laser cauterization of the leaking blood vessels. As noted in his clinical records, he “explained that ‘time is of the essence’, and loss of central VA (visual acuity may progress rapidly from wet AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) if laser is indicated and not performed.” He also noted “that he may permanently lose the opportunity to delay progression of AMD (by laser tx) by postponing tx now.” John, however, having had many positive experiences over the years with nutrition, elected to give natural vision care one last, but concerted effort to save his vision, knowing that with laser there would certainly be some additional damage to retinal tissue, even with the hoped for outcome of ‘delayed progression’.

John obtained a copy of this book and followed the recommendations carefully. He was already eating lots of fresh vegetables from his own garden, taking a good multi-vitamin and an anti-oxidant complex specifically designed for the eyes. He added eye drops containing Vitamins A, C and E as well as silver and MSM. To his daily supplement program he added bioflavonoids from pine, grape, bilberry and other sources, as well as a blend of mixed carotenoids. He also decided to add a small dose of ginkgo, avoiding higher doses because of the bleeding in his retina. He also increased his levels of carotenoids and vitamins B complex (especially B6 and biotin), C, D and E as well as minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc picolinate and selenium. To this he added flora, flax, shark cartilage, milk thistle, coQ10, carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, NAC and MSM. He was concurrently taking saw palmetto.

For years, John had also been taking an aspirin product containing caffeine for his headaches. When he learned that aspirin could contribute to his retinal bleeding, he stopped taking this product as part of his total healing program. He was pleased to find that after being on the whole regimen for 4 to 5 weeks, the headaches actually subsided.

At John’s last checkup with Dr. Ballon, the noted Harvard trained retinologist was extremely pleased with John’s response, stating that he had never seen such fast recovery in 12 years of practice. He reported that the retinal drusen were no longer swollen and decomposing. Not only had the bleeding, inflammatory and degenerative processes been halted completely, but to Dr. Ballon’s amazement, even the retinal scarring was being reversed. In fact, John’s remarkable improvement had made such an impression on him that Dr. Ballon described his case on a radio show several days later to illustrate the potential of our growing understanding of nutrition to heal the eyes and recover lost vision. John’s vision had been fully restored to the previous level of 20/40.

Dr. Ballon writes “…Mr. DeCosta has had dramatic improvement in his vision despite having had wet macular degeneration. The improvement in his vision occurred after beginning intensive use of powerful antioxidants, vitamins and herbal treatment, including Ginkgo biloba, bilberry and grape seed extract. He gave me a copy of the report that you had written on this topic, and I appreciate all of the work that you did on a subject that obviously needs more research, but is very promising for patients who have very few alternatives.”

Wet Macular Degeneration Retinal Image

Case Study 2:

Reversing Blindness

At 80 years of age, Verna of the island of Hawaii had become one of the statistics. 

After suffering loss of her central vision in both eyes due to wet macular degeneration, she was classified as legally blind, with vision of only 20/400 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left eye.

In searching for answers to her plight, she was referred to Dr. Swartwout by a Doctor who had done extensive work with vision improvement in the South Pacific. 

Wanting to do everything she could to save her remaining sight and, if there was any chance, to improve her vision through natural means, she contacted Dr. Swartwout at the Remission Foundation.

Consulting together using Dr. Swartwout’s methods, a monthly program was developed and modified periodically to keep Verna on track with the most helpful supplements and dietary changes at each stage of her healing and regenerative process. 

After one year, her ophthalmologist almost couldn’t believe his eyes – or hers!

The bleeding has completely stopped in both eyes, and the vision has been restored to 20/70 and 20/50. 

Thanks to her diligence in applying natural vision care, Verna is no longer blind now, and looking forward to turning 83!

Dr. Bruce Ballon

Bruce Ballon, M.D.,

Harvard-trained Retinologist

Health & Wellness

Hope for Healing Wet Macular Degeneration

Wet Macular Degeneration is the most advanced and challenging level of this #1 blinding disease...

The macula of the eye is a unique tissue in that it has no direct capillary circulation, and yet it is the highest oxygen demanding tissue in the entire body...

That lack of blood vessels allows vision to be very acute, but it makes the macula especially vulnerable to interference with its supply of oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal from the choroid, located behind the retina...

As wastes build up, they block the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the degenerating tissues in the macula... the area responsible for central, detailed vision...

The ailing tissue signals the need for circulation, causing the growth of new blood vessels, which tend to be leaky, hence the name Wet...

Scar tissue can form to try to heal damage, but it contracts and can cause further leakage and bleeding...

This is a complex situation, so you will need a great team to help you get the best results...

Your eye doctor will need to monitor your progress carefully and frequently...

Laser surgery used to be the only conventional treatment option... but now injections into the eye are the standard therapy...

One of the challenges with this is the risk of triggering retinal atrophy resulting in a worse visual outcome than with no treatment...

Some Ophthalmologists say the risk of this worsening of the results is about 40%... 

We are very pleased that most of our Wet ARMD clients are able to increase the interval between injections and very often discontinue them as their retinal condition stabilizes...

Whatever treatment approach you choose, our mission is to support you in whatever level of self healing you can accomplish, so you can get the best results possible...

In addition to the targeted remedies we describe on this site, we have formulated hundreds of remedies for other healing needs, and we formulate individualized programs that are updated to meet your changing needs as you heal...

We also help you implement self-healing support therapies without having to leave home...

These can include microcurrent, PEMF, soft infrared laser and other modalities according to your needs...

You will definitely need personal coaching and consulting to achieve your highest potential results with this kind of a challenging and sight-threatening condition...

One of the remedies we have developed to support your Accelerated Self Healing™ process in this situation is AngiogenX...

AngiogenX combines nutritional and botanical support for issues involving unwanted angioneogenesis...

New blood vessel growth is needed for wound healing, such as immediately following surgery or other trauma, so be sure to stop taking this formula while you are healing from injuries or a few days before surgical procedures and afterward until cicatrization (scar formation) seals up the wounds, any stitches are removed (unless they are self-resorbing), and you are released by your surgeon.

Neovascular growth is involved in a range of issues including growth of benign growths including pterygium, malignancies, diabetic retinopathy, neovascular glaucoma and wet macular degeneration.

Ingredients in AngiogenX include:

Vitamin and MIneral Coenzymes:

Selenium is supplied in the optimum form of Methylselenocysteine...

Vitamin C is supplied as the alkaline mineral form Zinc Ascorbate...

This also supplies the essential trace element Zinc which is essential for vision, immune function and wound healing, among other uses... 

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is not only a vitamin, but also a neurohormone... This formula supplies 1000 IU per capsule, which is 250% of the daily recommendation for a healthy person...

Other Nutritional/Metabolic Factors:

Stabilized Bioenhanced R-Lipoic Acid is a patented form of Lipoic Acid that is about 40 times more effective than the synthetic Lipoic Acid often used in supplements...


NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) helps to liquefy excess fluids assisting with their drainage through the lymphatic system...

For additional support in this drainage function, we often add Lymph Flow or Lymph Support one or more times a day...

Botanical Factors:

We include a broad spectrum of highly concentrated botanical extracts to support and stimulate multiple healing pathways...

These herbal concentrates include Proteoglycans purified from Convulvulus arvensis, Lapachol from Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia avellanedae), Mistletoe (Viscum album), Honokiol from Magnolia officinalis, Artemisinin from Wormwood (Artemesia annua), Polyphenols including ECGC and other Catechins from Green Tea (Cameilia sinensis), Curcumin (Curcuma longa), Ginsenosides from Ginseng (Panax ginseng), Trans-Resveratrol (from Polygonum cuspidatum), Proanthocyanidin from Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster), Quercetin Dihydrate, the water soluble form of Quercetin that is much more bioavailable (from Sophorae japonica), Apigenin (from Apium graveolens), Polysaccharides from Aloe (Aloe barbadensis), Baicalein from Baikal Scullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), Silymarin from St. Mary's Thistle (Silybum marianum), Lutein from Marigold flowers (Tagetes spp.), and Fisetin from Sumac (from Cotinus coggyrgria).

By the way, that last herb is not the poison kind of Sumac... In fact, it's not at all related, and it is the highest ORAC (antioxidant) food known...

Bioavailability Cofactors:

This formula also includes our Bioavailability Complex to increase both gut absorption and circulatory transport and delivery to the eye tissues.

Ingredients in the Fibonacci inspired sequence are Vinpocetin (for brain and eye perfusion), Piperine (for gut absorption), Gingerol (for gut absorption), Licorice Omnipotent (for harmonizing all the ingredients, as used in 80% of botanical formulations in Traditional Oriental Medicine), Moringa (to increase absorption of all nutrients), Niacin (to increase systemic circulatory delivery), and Ginkgo (to increase ocular perfusion and delivery to other tissues)...

Purity & Potency:

As with all of our Functional Formulations™, Lipid Cleanse is completely free of undesirable excipients, like stearates that reduce bioavailability by coating both nutrients and the gut lining with a biofilm.

For Macula Regeneration, take a different Macular Wellness formula at each meal, and take Lipid Cleanse between meals if your stomach tolerates taking a capsule when it is empty...

If necessary for comfort, have it with a snack between meals...

If we convert this formula to an enteric remedy to enhance the probiotic and systemic enzyme effects, we avoid phthalates which are commonly used in medicines and enteric supplements, but wreak havoc on the immune and endocrine systems...

By the way, our remedies are supplied in Biophotonic Glass bottles to enhance the stability and bioenergetics of all the precious ingredients...

Our remedies are not mere supplements... They are Sacraments because their function is to support and stimulate healing of the body, mind and spirit...

They are made by hand with love and prayer, and they are energized by a scalar field of the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature to increase their content of ORMUS (M-state spirit minerals, the condensates of the transition minerals that make up the immortal conscious body).

And please let us know if you need a referral to an eye doctor who will work with you in your Accelerated Self Healing™ process...

As you can see, we put our heart and soul into supporting your wellbeing...

We look forward to being on your Wellness Team!

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, the Wizard of Wellness

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Feedback from a Wet Macular Degeneration Client:

"While I was waiting to receive the Liver Support to complete this series of sacraments, I could actually feel my body really, trying hard to improve - or at least keep status quo - in my eyes -- mostly Right. I felt it trying, but it wasn't quite able to keep it together as I did experience some vision distortions and a feeling of system unbalance. I was just taking my own mix of supplements for that time slot. After 3 days with the new series, I felt the sacraments energy "lifting me" over that rough spell and felt the assist to my own body's attempt to continue healing -- get back on track. Though the lapse time between the series supplements was longer than I'd care to wait again, during this initial healing year, it did make me aware of my own body's inner healing energy in a very strong way. So I'm glad to know that part of me is alive and doing it's thing -- always trying toward the good and whole." - a private client in the Monterey Bay area, California



© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.